Sections (reusable)
@todo for some reason this page is running into rendering issues.
Section entities may be called by organisms/section.html
using the mode="ref" prop. They can also be automatically added to any content in the Page collection via the front-matter.
Site alerts
{% comment %} To add a site-wide alert to the alerts section, copy one of these from the comment block and put it below. {% include molecules/alert.html children="Brad made a status alert
" classes="" dismissible=true level="status" %} {% include molecules/alert.html children="This is a warning-level alert using plain text rather than markup." classes="" dismissible=true level="warning" %} {% include molecules/alert.html children="Here is an error alert with bold text and a link.
" classes="" dismissible=true level="error" %} {% endcomment %}Let's get started
{% include organisms/form.html mode="ref" slug="contact" %}Your construction partner
Recent posts
{% include atoms/spacer.html size="4" %} {% if site.posts[0] %}- {% for post in site.posts limit:3 %} {% include molecules/card.html entity=post %} {% endfor %}
See more on our Blog page.
{% else %}There are presently no posts.
{% endif %}Quick peek
{% include atoms/spacer.html size="4" %} {% for image in %} {% include atoms/image.html alt=image.alt caption=image.caption classes=image.classes src=image.src %} {% endfor %}
{% include atoms/spacer.html size="2" %}Updates aren't too frequent. If you subscribe and then quickly unsubscribe, no hard feelings.
{% include organisms/form.html mode="ref" slug="mailchimp" %}The who's who
Alex and many other blog authors.
{% include atoms/spacer.html size="2" %} {% if site.people[0] %}- {% assign people_sorted = site.people | sort: "weight" %} {% for person in people_sorted %} {% include molecules/card.html entity=person %} {% endfor %}
There are presently no people on this site.
{% endif %}